I offered Anna a piece of baguette. She declined saying matter-of-factly, “That kind of bread makes me tired of chewing it and it roughs up my mouth.”
We just began reading Isaiah in our morning scripture study. We gave the children a little heads-up that Isaiah can be a hard to understand at times. William (with full confidence in my abilities) suggested that we read each verse and then I “translate” the verse for him. I only wish I understood Isaiah so well.
This morning William had a voracious appetite. After having huge amounts cereal and kefir, and asking for some tacos I offered him a chicken sandwich (he loves non-breakfast food for breakfast). He held it in his hands and said, “I don’t know if I should eat this. My tummy is saying ‘no’ but my mouth is saying yes!” How many times do I eat more than I should because the food tastes so good while my tummy is saying, “NO!”?
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